Solar Switch Program Info Session
Come learn about how you could save big on a new rooftop solar array, battery storage, and EV chargers! Solar Switch Colorado is a new solar group buying program available to Edgewater, Wheat Ridge, Denver, Westminster, Northglenn, Thornton, and Adams County residents and small businesses. The program partners with Solar United Neighbors – a national solar non-profit working to increase education, access, and availability of solar energy systems. Come hear from Solar United Neighbor’s Colorado Program Director about the program and ask your questions to help determine if this is the right opportunity for you!
Edgewater Clean Energy Info Session
Not ready to install solar on your home or want to learn about different opportunities to bring your utility costs down and contribute to a cleaner energy grid? Edgewater Sustainability Board members will provide updates on Edgewater’s clean energy programs and present different opportunities for Edgewater community members to increase home and business energy efficiency, reduce utility costs, and take part in different wind and solar energy programs.
- This seminar is free
- FREE LED light bulb kits will be available to take home!
- Snacks and refreshments provided
- Spanish interpretation services available by request during registration

Joel has been a resident of Edgewater, Colorado with his family since 2012. He is the Executive Director of local education nonprofit Edgewater Collective and Editor of the Edgewater Echo.
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