Door to Door Solicitors in Edgewater

We received this message from a reader named Abby this week:

I am an Edgewater resident & recently we had a young solicitor ask us for cash or checks to help purchase “Military Care Package Donations” that would also assist them (the solicitor) with their college. Since this seemed fishy we said “No thanks.” and sent him on his way. My husband mentioned that this is the second time he had seen this in the neighborhood. I thought it might be a service to publish an article in regards to safety & solicitors in the Edgewater Echo.

We reached out to City of Edgewater staff and City Clerk Lenore Pedroza provided this information on solicitors, “All door to door solicitors MUST have a Peddler’s License with the City of Edgewater.  The residents can call me with the solicitor’s information and I will call and inform them of the City’s license requirements. Of course, if they are feeling uneasy about the encounter, they should contact the Police Department with information.”

The City of Edgewater defines a solicitor as:

Solicitor means any person, whether as volunteer, owner, agent, consignee or employee, who travels by foot, wagon, motor vehicle, pushcart or any other method of transportation from house to house or street to street selling or offering to sell services, food, beverages, goods or merchandise, distributing goods or information, or soliciting funds or other forms of assistance, whether or not such person is a canvasser.

This means that a nonprofit organization or volunteer, like was mentioned in Abby’s scenario above, would be defined as a solicitor because they are asking for funds. This would mean that this person would need a Peddler’s License from the City of Edgewater.

Here is the contact number for Edgewater City Clerk Lenore Pedroza: (720) 763-3002

Here are the contact numbers for Edgewater Police:

  • Jefferson County Dispatch Non-Emergency: 303-277-0211
  • Edgewater Police Department: 303-235-0500

Here is a list of businesses that are allowed to solicit/peddle door to door in Edgewater.

According to the Edgewater Peddler License Application, canvassers are allowed. Here is what a canvasser is:

Canvasser means any person who engages in activity with the primary purpose of advocating a particular religious, political or philosophical viewpoint or the communication and dissemination of religious, political or philosophical information. 

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