From the City of Edgewater:
Temporary Traffic Calming Corridor: The City of Edgewater has been awarded an Active People Active Places Grant through the Denver Regional Council of Governments and Department of Public Health & Environment to implement a temporary traffic calming corridor on 25th Ave. This temporary street modification will provide new techniques in calming traffic while providing local drivers the ability to test out a number of street modifications. The corridor has been designed using techniques recommended in the 2019 Traffic Calming Mobility Plan. This project will be a catalyst in improving the way Edgewater looks at streets as places for people, not just moving traffic, while promoting and prioritizing active transportation modes—walking and bicycling. The street modifications are scheduled to be in place by the end of June and stay in place until the end of July between Ames St. and Benton St. on 25th Ave.
Joel has been a resident of Edgewater, Colorado with his family since 2012. He is the Executive Director of local education nonprofit Edgewater Collective and Editor of the Edgewater Echo.
Hi Joel, I could not find any info on the traffic calming corridor on the city’s website.
Is there a specific dept, or different name for it? thank you
I am unable to locate it as well.