Demolition of the former Edgewater City Hall at 24th and Sheridan has started. Edgewater City Manager Dan Maples stated, “The lot will sit vacant until after our Comp Plan and then we will have a better idea of what the community wants with the parcel (type of development).”
The Edgewater City Council met Tuesday, December 6th. All members were present with Councilmembers Earp, Berg, Reid-Vanas, and Steirer joining the meeting virtually.
First on the docket for the evening were communications from the city staff. Deputy City Manager Mills started by introducing the City Council and community to Paige Johnson, Edgewater’s new Sustainability Coordinator. Ms. Johnson spoke briefly on the plastic bag fees coming in 2023, per Colorado law. Nine Edgewater businesses will be impacted. 60% of the fees collected will be remitted to the city, and will be used for such things as reusable canvas bags for the citizens. Single use plastic bags and styrofoam containers will be banned in Colorado starting in 2024. City Manager Maples then gave an update on the old city hall demolition, which should be completed by the time the Echo is published, and will take a few more weeks to fully clean up.
The meeting was then opened for public comment on non-agenda items. There was no public comment this week.
There were three resolutions on the night’s agenda. Adopting the annual budget, setting the tax levy for 2022, and opting out of the Colorado paid family and medical leave program insurance program. All motions passed unanimously with just a few clarifying details discussed among the council. City Manager Maples also spoke on the City opting out of the family leave insurance program, stating that the City believed that it would be able to provide a more robust program than the State program.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of a contract with an outside firm to develop Edgewater’s Comprehensive Plan, our City’s guiding document for the next ten years. The contract was also approved unanimously.
The meeting wrapped up with comments from the Council and Mayor. Most notable was a statement from Councilmember Donevan, who read a powerful statement on the recent Club Q mass shooting in Colorado Springs targeting the LGBQT+ community. Recordings of City Council meetings can be found on the City’s website if you wish to hear it for yourself.
City Council meets on the First and Third Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. You can attend the meeting virtually or in person at the Edgewater Civic Center. The next meeting is scheduled for December 20th.
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