Edgewater City Council Recap: May 21st, 2024

Edgewater City Council Members
Back Row: John Thomsen, Kali Janda, Steve Conklin, Lilly Steirer, Bill Berg
Front Row: Mercedes Valdez, Joie Iten, Hannah Gay Keao
(Photo By Let The Light In Studio)


The Edgewater City Council met Tuesday, May 21st for the regularly scheduled bi-monthly business meeting. A quorum was present, with Councilperson Thomsen absent and Councilperson Berg attending virtually.

City Council meetings always begin with roll call, then The Pledge of Allegiance, then the consent agenda, and now public comment always follows. However, there was no public comment this week.

On to communications from City Staff. Deputy City Manager and Community Development Director Mills began by introducing Edgewater’s new Sustainability Coordinator Shaima Shahbaz. Ms. Mills praised Shahbaz’s recent work, and listed a list of qualifications including a Master of Urban Planning at CU and plenty of relevant work experience. Ms. Mills also said due to a grant from the Denver Regional Council of Regional Governments (DRCOG), Edgewater would be hosting an advisory panel presenting a report on possible future plans for the Sheridan corridor.

Community Services Director Kit Lammers also had an update about the construction on 25th. Mr. Lammers said the project is “moving along” with the pavers almost done and the paving scheduled to be done by next week (though he cautioned that doesn’t mean it’s immediately opening). However, Mr. Lammers did say the project completion is “getting close.”

Parks and Recreation Director Amber Magee also had an update on the construction project at Citizen’s Park. Ms. Magee said the project is “almost complete” and expects it will be finished by “the end of the month.” She went on to say there will be programming there as scheduled and that there will be a grand reopening celebration on June 15th with food, games, and an Arbor Day planting of trees.

There were no updates from any boards or commissions. Mayor Conklin gave his usual membership updates on DRCOG, Metro Mayors, and Jeffco Mayors,  also saying he will be serving one more year on the board of DRCOG.

The presentation portion of the meeting followed. First on the agenda, a Pride Proclamation. Mayor Pro Tem Janda read the first portion, with Mayor Conklin finishing. This time members of the public did speak. First, Edgewater Pride board member and Wheat Ridge Councilperson Jenny Snell spoke. Snell commended the City of Edgewater for their support from the start and for their efforts to make all members of the Edgewater community feel at home and safe.

Next, at the podium was Parade Grand Marshal Deja Moore. Moore pointed out to the council that many cis/heterosexual women encounter the same issues as the LGBTQ+ community. Moore then shared how excited they were for the parade.

Resident and newest member of the Edgewater Pride board, Oak Slater, spoke next. Slater relayed a story about their time in high school, when a close friend lived in Edgewater, and how great it would have been to have had Edgewater Pride during that time. Slater went on to say the parade isn’t just for the participants, but to show any youth that feel they are alone, that they are not.

The last member of the public to speak was Travis Steeley. Steeley relayed how shortly after he moved the Edgewater came the lock downs in 2020. This also happened to be the summer of the first Edgewater Pride Parade, and although Steeley was out of town for the parade, upon return they found pride flags in their yard and knew they were in a safe community,

Next came a Jeffco Love My Air presentation from Jeffco Public Health. Slide decks from the presentation can always be found through the city’s website.

Next came the appointment of an interim judge, until a permanent replacement is found, to fill the vacancy left by Judge Cahn. As had been discussed in a previous work session, they had chosen to appoint one of the two Deputy Associate Judges already working in the Edgewater Courts, Judge Hickman. Judge Hickman took the podium and thanked council for the opportunity adding she does not take the opportunity lightly.

Next came a slated vote on rule changes for the Planning and Zoning Committee. However, the item was tabled so Planning and Zoning could clarify their attendance rules.

There was no more public comment and so the meeting wrapped up with comments from the Mayor and Council. Comments largely focused on nice things to say about Edgewater Pride, congratulations to Judge Hickman, and thanks to Love My Air.

Edgewater City Council normally meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings can be attended either in person at the Civic Center, or virtually, however only in-person attendees can comment.

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