Edgewater City Council Members
Back Row: John Thomsen, Kali Janda, Steve Conklin, Lilly Steirer, Bill Berg
Front Row: Mercedes Valdez, Joie Iten, Hannah Gay Keao
(Photo By Let The Light In Studio)
Edgewater City Council met Tuesday, May 7th, for their regular bi-monthly business meeting. A quorum was present, with Council Members Berg and Gay Keao unable to attend. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the consent agenda adopted without any changes.
The public comment portion of the meeting followed. However, there were no comments from the public. So the meeting progressed to communications from the City Manager and staff.
First to speak was Chief Sonstegard. Sonstegard said the Edgewater Police Department will be partnering with Jeffco Public Schools and Edgewater Collective for Bike to School day, providing escorts for students that participate. The Chief also said with the improvement in the weather, community members can expect to see more officers patrolling on the e-bikes the city acquired last year.
Community Development Director Jocelyn Mills spoke next. Ms. Mills wanted to remind everyone of two upcoming events. The 55+ Social Club will be meeting May 9th at the Edgewater Beer Garden. The event starts at 2:30 p.m. The Ring in Spring pancake breakfast will also be happening this week from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Walker Branch Park. Besides pancakes and coffee, there will be kids activities and music.
There were no communications from boards or commissions, but Mayor Conklin did provide his usual updates on Metro Mayors Association, DRCOG, and CC4CA.
There were several presentations this week. First, was a recognition of Judge Cahn, Edgewater’s municipal judge for the last 12 years. Judge Cahn has been appointed full-time municipal judge in Boulder, and so will be leaving the Edgewater court. Mayor Conklin left the Dais and took the podium to present Judge Cahn with a ceremonial gavel and proclamation (which he would read later). Judge Cahn then took the podium to speak about his time in Edgewater. He said it was an honor to serve in Edgewater, and recalled the old city hall, with the pillar in the middle of the room obstructing everyone’s view. He then spoke about how much Edgewater has grown, and changed since then, to become a “top flight” city. He thanked the Council, and congratulated them on all the improvements they have brought to Edgewater. He also thanked the staff, remarking he always had their full support.
Next, Mayor Conklin read a proclamation declaring May Mental Health Awareness Month.
Next, Lyman Hamlin spoke about the 2021 audit of the city’s finances. In Mr. Hamlin’s opinion, “these financial statements are accurately stated” which in audit terms is high praise. Mr. Hamlin, like Judge Cahn, has also been working with the city (off and on) since 2012. He said in the past he also always recommended outside help, something he will not be recommending this year. The city has been backlogged on these routine audits since the pandemic, but with 2022 and 2023 likely to be finished this year, they should soon be caught up.
Next, came the 2nd reading of Ordinance 2024-04. This would amend the city code to give the city more flexibility in hiring part time staff, something that was limited due to a quirk in the previous language. There was no discussion, and the ordinance passed unanimously.
There was no general business this week, so the meeting moved to the 2nd opportunity for the public to comment. Edgewater resident Larry Welshon took the podium and gave a brief thanks to the Mayor for his efforts trying to protect home rule.
With that the meeting moved on to comments from the Council and Mayor. In general, many thanks were given to Judge Cahn for his time heading the Edgewater Court. Several members also expressed excitement about seeing EPD out on e-bikes.
The Edgewater City council normally meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings begin at 6:30 and can be attended in person at the Civic Center or virtually.
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