Edgewater City Council Recap: September 17, 2024

Edgewater City Council met last Tuesday, September 17th for a regularly scheduled business meeting. All council members were in attendance, though it should be noted that with the recent resignation of Councilman Berg, one seat remains vacant. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, the consent agenda was adopted, and the meeting was opened to public comment. The public, however, did not comment.

There was, however, communications from city staff. First, Deputy City Manager Mills welcomed Edgewater’s newest Mental Health Coordinator, Megan Murphy. Mills also informed the council that the city’s business support grant program is under going some changes and will now be a rewards program accessible through the Open Rewards App.

City Manager Maples spoke next, speaking about the recent announcement from Police Chief Sonnstegard that he will be leaving the Edgewater Police Department on 12/6 to serve as Deputy City Manager in Oxnard, California. Maples promised a more proper sendoff before the Chief’s departure.

There were no communications from Boards or Commissions. Mayor Conklin gave membership updates for DR COG, the Metro Mayors Association, and a Jeffco Commissioners breakfast.

Next on the Agenda came presentations. There were 3 presentations in all, each with extensive slide decks. Todd Heinl of West Metro and Kevin Meyer presented on the new Jeffco Community Response Team pilot program. Kalah Hardt presented on the Communications and Events Department, and Kit Lammers gave a Community Services update. The slide decks can be viewed in the meeting’s full packet here:


Up next was Resolution 2024-16, a resolution approving the 2040 Edgewater Comprehensive plan. After some discussion, the resolution passed unanimously.

On to Ordinance 2024-07, a public hearing and the second reading of an ordinance appropriating funds from the general fund for the purposes of adjusting the 2023 general fund budget. Just some run of the mill bookkeeping stuff. It too passed unanimously.

Another public hearing and second reading followed, this time for Ordinance 2024-06, an ordinance adopting the national electric code. This too passed unanimously.

2 items of general business followed. The Sustainability Update contract (actually it’s 2 contracts). Both contractors were introduced to the council, a short round of questions ensued, and the contracts were approved unanimously. Next was the authorization of a guest judge to administer the presiding judge oath. Edgewater soon to be newest judge, Judge Hickman, asked to be sworn in by their longtime mentor, Judge Gary Jackson. Per the city rules, only the town clerk can swear in a new judge, this motion temporarily grants Judge Jackson the authority to swear in Judge Hickmann. Another unanimous vote in favor.

Again the meeting was opened for public comment. Again, the public declined to comment, so the meeting wrapped up with comments from the Mayor and Council. The general theme were well wishes to the departing Chief of Police, thanks to night’s presenters, and excitement for this weekend’s Hometown Festival.

Edgewater City Council generally meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. The meetings begin at 6:30 PM and can either be attended in person at the Civic Center or online through the link provided with the evening’s agenda.

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