Edgewater City Council Members
Back Row: John Thomsen, Kali Janda, Steve Conklin, Lilly Steirer, Bill Berg
Front Row: Mercedes Valdez, Joie Iten, Hannah Gay Keao
(Photo By Let The Light In Studio)
Edgewater City Council met last Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 for their regular bi-monthly business meeting. A quorum was present with former Councilman Berg’s seat remaining vacant and Councilperson Janda joining later in the meeting due to sick children at home. As always, the meeting kicked off with roll call, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the adoption of the consent agenda.
Next on the agenda came public comment. One member of the public did sign up for the public comment portion of the night’s meeting through the virtual meeting app, however due to miscommunication or technical difficulties, they never did comment. There were no other comments from the public.
Communications from City Staff, Boards, and Membership Organizations followed. Edgewater’s new arborist, Rich Wilson, was introduced, and Mr. Wilson took a moment as well to introduce himself to the council and public. Mayor Conklin also provided an update about his recent trip to Tampa for a National League of Cities event.
Next on the agenda was Resolution 2024-19. The resolution is an intergovernmental agreement between Edgewater and Arvada to bring aboard Commander Melanie Thornton from the Arvada Police Department to serve as Edgewater’s interim Police Chief as Chief Sonstegaard will be leaving on December 2nd. Commander Thornton will serve as Chief while the city searches for a permanent replacement. This resolution enables Edgewater to reimburse the City of Arvada for Commander Thornton’s salary during her time as interim chief. The resolution passed unanimously.
The meeting’s next item was the second reading of Ordinance 2024-09, which would create easements for the construction of another roundabout at 26th and Harlan. The ordinance passed unanimously.
Next came a presentation on the audit of the city’s 2022 finances. As with previous audits, the numbers were satisfactory,
The meeting wrapped up with comments from the Council and Mayor. There were many welcomes to the city’s new arborist, interim chief, as well as to the new police officers sworn in before the night’s meeting.
The Edgewater City Council generally meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. The meeting can be attended in person or virtually through a link provided in the meeting agenda.
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