On August 20, 2024, it was announced that Edgewater City Councilmember Bill Berg was stepping down and a vacancy was declared.
The vacancy has been posted on the Edgewater’s required posting places for 30 days and will close on November 27. Interviews and possible appointment will be performed on December 3, 2024.
Click here for the application form.
Here are more details on the vacancy from the Edgewater City Clerk:
NOTICE is hereby given that a vacancy exists on City Council. Council will fill this vacancy by appointment. The term of the vacant Council position shall last until the next regular Municipal Election in November 2025. The legislative affairs of the City are vested in the City Council consisting of seven (7) Council Members and a Mayor. The Council currently meets twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at the Civic Center at 1800 Harlan St., Edgewater, CO 80214 with an option of virtually through the GoToMeeting App.
Qualifications for the applicant at the time of appointment are as follows:
- Is a citizen of the United States.
- Is at least twenty-three (23) years of age.
- Is a registered voter.
- Has been, for one year immediately preceding such appointment, a resident of the City.
- No conviction for embezzlement, bribery, solicitation of bribery, perjury, subornation of perjury, or any offense involving fraud.
Any person interested and qualified to serve may submit an application to the City Clerk. Applications can be submitted electronically through the below email, mailed or dropped off (please use the utility drop box for drop off applications) to the physical address.:
Lenore Pedroza, CMC
City Clerk
1800 Harlan St.
Edgewater, Colorado 80214
Applications will be accepted until close of business on November 27, 2024
Joel has been a resident of Edgewater, Colorado with his family since 2012. He is the Executive Director of local education nonprofit Edgewater Collective and Editor of the Edgewater Echo.
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