Articles by Joel Newton

Jackpot Bingo at the American Legion

Saturday, September 9, 2017 American Legion Post 17 in Edgewater, 1901 Harlan Street. Jackpot Bingo Tournament, open to the public.  Another opportunity to put some…

City Weekly: September 1, 2017

From Deputy City Manager Dan Maples: Public Works / Streets / Utilities Fall Clean-Up Event: The City of Edgewater provides two clean-up events each year….

Edgewater Walks Starts September 1

Tomorrow is September 1 which means it’s time for Edgewater Walks! Commit to walking or some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day…

Solar Party and Tesla Test Drive

Join hosts Marceil and Robert Case and SolarCity for a Solar Party on Friday, September 8 from 6-7 pm. The event will be at 2445…

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