Articles by Joel Newton

Throwback Thursday: Saint Jeff

By Saint Jeff Artist and Edgewater High School Graduate Bob Harvey Anyone who draws, writes, paints, or makes anything for public display is likely to harbor…

Edgewater Talent Show Winners

During the Edgewater Community Festival, three talented contestant groups performed for the first Edgewater Talent Show. Mira performed a dance routine, Clara and Sylvie sang an…

Edgewater Storm Debris Pick-Up

From Edgewater Deputy City Manager Dan Maples: Republic Services will be providing a pick-up of storm debris during the next two regular Thursday pick-ups (5/18…

May Mayor Update

From Edgewater Mayor Kristian Teegardin: Hello Friends and Neighbors, I hope you are well, considering the nice present we received from Mother Nature this week….

Edgewater Police Report: 4/23-5/6/2017

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: Contact Person: Chief John Mackey 720-763-3000 Calls for Service 911 Emergency Calls         10                   Year to date              116 Welfare…

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