City of Edgewater Announcements

Edgewater Police Report: 5/21–6/3/2017

Edgewater Police Report from Chief John Mackey: Contact Persons: Chief John Mackey 720-763-3000 Court Conviction On 5/21/2017 Edgewater Officers responded to a reported robbery…

Edgewater City Council Retreat Agenda

This Saturday, June 3, the Edgewater City Council will travel to Golden for a Special Meeting and Retreat. They will be discussing Council Goals and…

Edgewater Police Report: 5/7-5/20/2017

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: Contact Persons: Chief John Mackey 720-763-3000 Want to make your neighborhood safer?  The Edgewater Police Department’s Nextdoor Beat…

Edgewater Storm Debris Pick-Up

From Edgewater Deputy City Manager Dan Maples: Republic Services will be providing a pick-up of storm debris during the next two regular Thursday pick-ups (5/18…

Edgewater Police Report: 4/23-5/6/2017

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: Contact Person: Chief John Mackey 720-763-3000 Calls for Service 911 Emergency Calls         10                   Year to date              116 Welfare…

Edgewater Civic Center Update: May 8, 2017

From Deputy City Manager Dan Maples: 20% Schematic Presentation The Owner’s Representative / Architect presented a 20% schematic at last week’s City Council meeting. If…

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