
Edgewater Walks Coming in September

The Edgewater Walks Campaign is back this September with new events and group walking opportunities. Edgewater Walks is a 30-day program to challenge you to…

Book Nook at Terra Village

Have you heard of Little Libraries? Edgewater residents are putting up Little Libraries, or Book Nooks as we call them, to encourage reading. Folks can…

Edgewater in 1876

Today (8/1/2016) marks the 140th birthday of the State of Colorado. On August 1, 1876 Colorado officially became a state. What was Edgewater like in…

Community Meeting with Mayor Teegardin

From Edgewater Mayor Kristian Teegardin: Hello Friends and Neighbors, I wanted to invite you to a community meeting this Monday, August 1st from 6pm-7:30pm. The…

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