Community Letter from Edgewater City Manager and Mayor: May 14, 2020


From Edgewater City Manager Dan Maples and Mayor Laura Keegan:

Edgewater Community,

We cannot stress enough; how thankful we are of everything all of you are doing to combat this pandemic. I am proud each day to be part of such a resilient and strong community focused on the health and safety of everyone. I also want to ensure you that Edgewater will continue to provide all the great services and promote the small-town living atmosphere it always has. Thank you again for your patience and dedication to making this community safe for everyone.

A few updates
Jefferson County has let the “Stay at Home Order” expire last Friday (May 8, 2020) meaning Edgewater now falls under the State of Colorado “Safer at Home Order”. We have updated our website with information specific to this new order. We expect some changes to the order by May 25, 2020, but will not know what those changes are until closer to the date.

City Offices and the Edgewater Civic Center will remain closed and staff will remain working remotely (except for public safety staff). Staff will continue to provide services throughout this crisis and will respond with any questions or concerns from the community.

Edgewater City Council has initiated a program to provide financial support to local small businesses that have seen their revenue cut in half or lost all together. This program has provided support to bridge many businesses until Federal and State assistance is received. The goal is to make sure there is a door to open when it can safely open.

City Council also approved a program to provide residential assistance to households that are experiencing loss of income with either unemployment or loss of hours. This program is now available to Edgewater residents. Please check our website for more information (

This past week City Council approved ordinance 2020-07 requiring face coverings at all businesses when a sign is posted requiring the coverings. The ordinance also recommends that face covering be worn in all other public spaces.

How you can help
First and foremost, in order to protect our community, region, state and country from the spread of COVID 19, please:

  • Wash your hands regularly, especially when you encounter anything outside of your home or anything that may not be disinfected.
  • Conduct only essential activities necessary to promote health and well-being, such as getting groceries, obtaining medical supplies or medication, and/or engaging in outdoor activities like walking, hiking or running near your home, so long as social distancing practices including remaining 6 feet away from other people are strictly followed.
  • Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10.
  • Support local businesses by ordering take-out or purchasing gift cards on-line.
  • CDC recommends you consult a doctor before taking any medications or chemicals.
  • Be kind to yourself and your family members.

Being diligent with these above-mentioned items will help reduce the spread of this disease.

Added Resources
Please check our website ( for additional resources. We will update as resources become available. If you have any additional resources, we can get out there please let us know

The City of Edgewater will continue to take precautions necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19 through policy, declaration and action. We all appreciate your patience and partnership as we support each other through this difficult situation. Wishing all of you and your families the best of health.


Laura Keegan
Edgewater Mayor

Dan Maples
Edgewater City Manager

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