Lumberg Elementary School Principal Rhonda Hatch-Rivera (Photo from Lumberg)
Lumberg Elementary School Principal Rhonda Hatch-Rivera announced to the Lumberg community that she will be leaving her role at the end of this school year. She has accepted a position as the Assistant Director for Title I at Jeffco Public Schools. Hatch-Rivera has served as the principal at Lumberg Elementary School since the 2014-2015 school year. She was instrumental in developing systems and structures that resulted in Lumberg being ranked a Performance level school by the Colorado Department of Education. She also led Lumberg through the process of becoming the first nationally-credentialed Expeditionary Learning school in Jeffco Public Schools.
Here is the letter sent to the Lumberg community from Principal Rhonda Hatch-Rivera:
Dear Lumberg Families,
For the past six years as the principal of Lumberg Elementary school, I have had the privilege to serve our students, families, staff and the community. I have many wonderful memories of Lumberg and I will carry them forward as I embark on a different journey in a new position within Jeffco Public Schools.
As I reflect on my six years at Lumberg, I am proud that Lumberg Elementary is now a Performance School. Lumberg is also well on the way to be the first nationally credentialed Expeditionary Learning (EL) School in Jeffco. We achieved these goals through our collective partnership and hard work. We have all contributed to a positive school culture that fosters learning, care, and joy of our students. We are Crew not passengers—and we all came together to take care of one another and grow as scholars. And for that, I was honored to travel with you all.
I am excited for the new Lumberg Principal and have no doubt that they will continue the focus and determined vision of our community. They will be able to honor and support the dedicated efforts of our Expeditionary Learning and the Dual Language program. Additionally, the new principal we also inherit a renovated building with the construction of a new wing, all new classroom furniture, an early childhood playground, and much more! The renovation and new construction will be completed by the end of this summer, and students will be able to enjoy their new environments in the fall.
Moving forward, the Jefferson County School District will conduct a search for a new Principal. On Monday, May 10th at 4:30 p.m., Dave Weiss, our community Superintendent, will host a parent meeting via Zoom to explain the hiring process and seek volunteers to participate in the Principal hiring committee. If you would like to learn more about the hiring process and/or volunteer, please join the parent meeting. Feel free to contact David Weiss with any questions concerning the hiring process as well.
I am sure that the Lumberg students will continue to thrive as engaged learners and support one another in their Crew. The Lumberg staff will continue to be one of hardest working teams of dedicated educators and it was an honor to work with all of them. Our Lumberg families will continue to support Lumberg with their commitment to our community, their high expectations for their students, and their partnership with our staff. I will greatly miss being a Lumberg Saint and part of this outstanding community. I will take all that I have learned into my new role as the Jeffco’s Title I Assistant Director. I cannot wait to visit and see how you all continue to develop our community and do amazing things together as Crew.
Thank you,
Rhonda Hatch-Rivera, Lumberg Principal
Joel has been a resident of Edgewater, Colorado with his family since 2012. He is the Executive Director of local education nonprofit Edgewater Collective and Editor of the Edgewater Echo.
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