City Council Recap: March 5th, 2024

The Edgewater City Council met last Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 for their twice monthly business meeting. All members of Council attended, either in person or virtually. The consent agenda was approved without further discussion, after which Mayor Conklin moved to have the public comment portion of the meeting moved to the front, a spot where it will remain in the future per the changes to rules and procedure, one of the items included in the consent agenda.

There was only one comment from the public at the night’s meeting. Edgewater resident Larry Welshon took the podium. Mr. Welshon was concerned with legislation at the state level he fears threatens Colorado home rule cities like Edgewater. He urged City Council to speak up, as it could have a direct impact on Edgewater.

Next came communications from City staff. City Manager Maples told the Council the City of Edgewater is currently in the process of updating their reports process, which is why they may have noticed the reports  in the packet weren’t as comprehensive as in the past.

There were no updates from Boards or Commissions. Mayor Conklin gave membership updates for DRCOG, CC4CA, and the Metro Mayor Caucus.

There were no presentations or awards this week.

Public comment was next on the agenda, but since it had been moved towards the start of the meeting already, next came Resolution 2024-5, a resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the City and Jeffco Schools. Chief Sonstegard took the podium to speak on the agreement. Chief Sonstegard said Edgewater Polic and Jeffco Schools have had a long relationship, and this IGA simply memorializes that relationship and represents a continuation of a successful relationship with Jeffco Schools. He went on to praise Edgewater PD’s School Resource Officer (SRO) Erika Rendon as “one of the best in Jeffco.” After a few clarifying questions from Councilperson Gay Keao, the resolution was brought to a vote and passed unanimously.

Next came General Business, this week a vote on changes to the rules and procedures of the Volunteer Fire Fighter’s Pension Board. Per the town charter, all changes must go through City Council. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Next came Mayor and Council comments. In general there were thanks to the City staff. Councilperson Thompson gave a shoutout to the History, Arts, Recreation, and Parks (HARP) Board, having recently sat in on one of their meetings. Councilperson welcomed our new Sustainability Coordinator and commended her for a seamless transition. Councilperson Gay Kaeo asked public commenter Welshon for specific bills targeting home rule cities, and commended the clerks as there had been a primary election that same day. Mayor Conklin spoke glowingly about the service for Kent Johnson and mentioned while attending he asked West Metro Fire to come in and update the council.

A brief discussion of upcoming agenda items followed, and with that the business meeting was over, clocking in at a mere 37 minutes. City Council meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Agendas and packets can be found on the City website. Meeting can be attended either in person or virtually

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