Articles by Joel Newton

Edgewater Police Report: 12/10/2018

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: Handgun Menacing On 11/27/18 at about 1PM Edgewater Officers were dispatched to the commercial parking lot at 20th and…

Edgewater City Weekly: December 7, 2018

From the City of Edgewater: City Clerk Edgewater Redevelopment Authority Board Position: There is currently an opening on the Edgewater Redevelopment Authority Board and the…

Holiday Giving Options in Edgewater

  Winter Food and Clothing Drive This project to collect food and clothing for individuals and families in Jefferson County is a unique partnership between…

Edgewater Holiday Lighting Ceremony

From the City of Edgewater: Friday, December 7th, from 6pm-8:30pm we will have a holiday lighting ceremony at our new Edgewater Civic Center (1800 Harlan…

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