City of Edgewater Announcements

Edgewater City Weekly: January 11, 2019

From the City of Edgewater: City Weekly Sustainability Committee Inaugural Meeting: The Edgewater Sustainability Committee will be meeting for the first time on Tuesday, January…

Edgewater City Weekly: January 4, 2019

From the City of Edgewater: Mobility Study In November 2018, the City of Edgewater selected the consultant team of Blue Zones LLC and Community Builders…

Edgewater City Weekly: December 21, 2018

From the City of Edgewater: City Clerk City Offices will be closed in observance of the Holiday on December 24th and 25th. Edgewater Redevelopment Authority…

Edgewater Holiday Bulletin 2018

The City of Edgewater has released their quarterly bulletin of City updates and events. Items of note are the change of the day on which…

Edgewater Police Report: 12/10/2018

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: Handgun Menacing On 11/27/18 at about 1PM Edgewater Officers were dispatched to the commercial parking lot at 20th and…

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