Jefferson Principal Michael James Leaving at the End of the School Year

Jefferson Jr/Sr High Principal Michael James – Photo from Jeffco Public Schools

Jefferson Junior/Senior High School Principal Michael James informed the Jefferson community on Monday (1/11/2021) that he will be leaving Jefferson at the end of this school year. James started as an assistant principal at Jefferson for the 2013-2014 school year and became principal the following year. He oversaw the transition of Jefferson to a 7th-12th grade junior/senior high school and led a large increase in the graduation rate during his tenure. Michael James is respected by students, staff and parents and his enthusiasm and love for students and Jefferson is contagious.

Michael James was featured in the 9News documentary “The Jefferson Project.”

Here is the letter Principal Michael James sent to parents and students:

Good Afternoon Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School Community,

For the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of serving our students, staff, and community  as the Principal of Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School.  During this time, I am proud of our graduation rate increasing from 67% to 84%, the numerous accomplishments of our students, the eagerness of our families to impact their students’ education, and the collaboration that has taken place among our Jefferson Area Schools.

The Class of 2021 is our first class to complete 6 years as students at Jefferson.  I remember setting a goal back in 2016 that I would try to remain as the Principal through their senior year. With that, I am formally announcing that I have resigned my position as Principal at Jefferson effective the end of the school year and look forward to “graduating” with the Class of 2021.

The future is so bright for Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School.  The new construction that will be completed by the end of this summer will revitalize our building.   Students will continue to change the trajectory of their futures by overcoming obstacles and creating amazing opportunities for themselves.  Our staff will continue to serve as the hardest working team of committed educators with whom I have ever worked.  Our parents will continue to expect the best from their students and support the school with confidence and enthusiasm. 

I hope my legacy as Principal will be a future for Jefferson which carries forward many of the pillars that have been built over the past seven years.   At the very least, I want everyone to remember that the way we make each other feel is the most important legacy we can leave on each other.  I will never forget the way that you have all made me feel – my heart is full.

Moving forward, the Jefferson County School District will be conducting a national search for a new Principal.  The details of the hiring committee and selection process will be organized and implemented within the next few weeks.  Feel free to contact David Weiss, Community Superintendent, with any questioning concerning the hiring process.

Feel free to also reach out to me personally with any questions.

Let’s finish out this crazy school year by meeting all of our goals and proudly representing our school! 

Once a Saint Always a Saint,

Michael James


Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School




Buenas tardes comunidad de la preparatoria Jefferson Jr./Sr.:

Durante los últimos siete años, he tenido el placer de servir a nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidad como el Director de la preparatoria Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School.  Estoy orgulloso de que durante este tiempo nuestra tasa de graduación haya aumentado del 67% al 84%, de los numerosos logros de nuestros estudiantes, del esfuerzo de nuestras familias por impactar en la educación de sus estudiantes y de la colaboración que ha tenido lugar entre nuestras escuelas del área de Jefferson.

Los graduados de 2021 son la primera clase en completar 6 años como estudiantes en Jefferson.  Recuerdo en el 2016 haber establecido la meta de tratar de seguir siendo el director hasta su último año escolar. De esta manera, estoy anunciando formalmente mi renuncia a la posición de Director de la Preparatoria Jefferson a hacerse efectivo al final del año escolar y espero “graduarme” con la clase de 2021.

 El futuro de Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School es muy prometedor.  La nueva construcción que se completará a finales de este verano revitalizará nuestro edificio.   Los estudiantes continuarán cambiando la trayectoria de su futuro superando obstáculos y creando oportunidades increíbles para ellos mismos.  Nuestro personal continuará sirviendo como el mejor equipo de trabajo de educadores comprometidos con los que he trabajado.  Nuestros padres de familia seguirán esperando lo mejor de sus hijos y apoyarán a la escuela con confianza y entusiasmo. 

Espero que mi legado como director sea un futuro para Jefferson que lleve adelante muchos de los pilares que se han construido en los últimos siete años.   Como mínimo, quiero que todos recuerden que la forma en que nos hacemos sentir los unos con los otros es el legado más importante que podemos dejar.  Nunca olvidaré la forma en que todos ustedes me han hecho sentir, mi corazón está satisfecho.

Para continuar, el Distrito Escolar del Condado Jefferson dirigirá una búsqueda a nivel nacional para un nuevo director.  Los detalles del comité de contratación y el proceso de selección serán organizados e implementados en las próximas semanas.  No duden en comunicarse con David Weiss, Superintendente de la Comunidad, con cualquier pregunta sobre el proceso de contratación.

Tampoco duden en comunicarse personalmente conmigo si tienen alguna pregunta.

¡Finalicemos este disparatado año escolar alcanzando todos nuestros objetivos y representando con orgullo a nuestra escuela! 

Once a Saint Always a Saint,

Michael James, Director

Jefferson Jr./ Sr. High School


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