Can My Dog Be Outside When It’s This Cold?


Written by Erin Gianella, Perfect Pals Dog Training

Words like “polar vortex” and “arctic air” are being thrown around this week but what does that even mean? And what does that mean for our dogs? Is it safe for them to be out when it’s this cold? I know some of our dogs LOVE being out in the cold and snow but there are just some temperatures where it’s not safe for them to be in the cold for long periods of time. Here’s a guide to follow, some safety tips and some suggestions for activities you can do with your dog when they can’t get outside!

Let’s start with the general rule of thumb; If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your dog. Anything below 20 Degrees Fahrenheit can be potentially life threatening to our pets, if out for an extended period time. So, take them out for a quick potty break, walk or game of fetch and then hurry back inside! For any dog but especially your short-haired furry friends, sweaters, jackets and doggie snow boots can be a great option!

When you’re out with your dog we also want to be cautious of everything else going on besides the temperature. If the roads and sidewalks are being salted, be sure to wash and dry your dog’s paws and tummy off after being outside. This will help remove any ice, salt and chemicals. If your dog ingests any of these it can cause them to get sick or if the salt gets in any cuts, it could cause an infection. It may seem obvious but try to avoid any slippery ice! You or dog could slip and get seriously injured! Here’s an underrated tip; keep your dog’s tag and collar on at all times! Dogs tend to get lost easier in the winter because there are not familiar smells due to the snow masking them. If they wiggle out of their collar or escape from home, it may be difficult for them to find their way back. Snow storms, wind and ice can sometimes cause a power outage. Prepare an emergency kit for you and your dog with food, water, toys and blankets!

OK so now with all that said, what do we do to keep our dogs exercised and mentally stimulated when they can’t get outside? Here’s a quick list to keep your dog busy and relaxed:

  • Frozen stuffed KONGs/West Paw toys
  • Frozen lick mats
  • A game of hide-and-seek in your home! It gets them running around, they use their brain and it’s fun for the whole family!
  • Teach your dog a fun, new trick!
  • Hide some treats around the home and have them sniff around to find it.
  • Play tug or with a flirt pole (check out our Instagram to learn how to make your own).
  • Work on your walking training; even inside you can get some good practice in with low distractions!
  • Take them for a walk around a pet store, Home Depot or any other dog friendly store!
  • Make your own little dog obstacle course with all their interactive toys.
  • If you have stairs, play games up and down the stairs with them.

I know it can be tempting to take them out when they’re high energy in the home but the most important thing is keeping you and your dog safe! Good luck with the colder weather!

For more information, check out or reach out to Follow @Perfectpals_dogtraining on Instagram or Facebook for more tips!

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