Edgewater Police

Jenicek Murder: Two Suspects in Custody

From Edgewater Police: The Edgewater Police Department has obtained arrest warrants for three of the suspects involved in the murder of Andrew Jenicek. In Custody…

Edgewater Police Update: Jenicek Murder

From Edgewater Police: Edgewater Police have been working non-stop since Andrew’s murder last Thursday evening and we believe we’re very close to making arrests in…

Edgewater Police News Release: Homicide

From Edgewater Police Chief John Mackey: The Edgewater Police Department is looking for the individuals responsible for the murder of 27 year old Andrew Jenicek….

Edgewater Police Respond to School Threat

Edgewater Police officers made their presence known at Jefferson Junior/Senior High School this morning in response to a threat made to the school. Parents received…

Edgewater Police Report: 1/11-1/20/2018

From Edgewater Police Department: 2017 Year End Statistics Total Calls                            10,042                                   Traffic Stops                          2,727 Alarms                                        187 911 Calls                                     391 Welfare Checks                         …

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